Samstag, 16. Januar 2016

The same and the different – translation as a trial of meaning Part III

Every society creates its own crimes and criminals. The prisons and their punitive practices are a mirror of society and its not questioned horizon of understanding and values. What do we really punish when we hand out a punishment to a murderer? Killing is common. It happens every day, every hour, every minute. Killing is a common and established cultural activity. Trained on „animals“, „enemies“ or „criminals“ in exercise as well as acceptance it is just a small step to any other. Where is the difference in quality? What society punishs is not the killing in general, it is just the violation of its categorical rank system.

Like Hitler so is Trump the underestimated idiot, the uneducated jumping jack whom you can told every stupid idea and he will spread it to effectively through media. Similar to Hitler he set in scene himself as well as his fellows as the poor, marginalized and endangered white man in a world surrounded by foreign hordes who try to rot race and nation. Very similar to the style of former fascistic atmosphere of departure he and his fellows shout for revenge, for hardness, for no mercy and recruit themselves out of the would-be middle class of society, which seems just simple, unsophisticated and with its typical lack of education as critical thinking and also very similar to 1933 in germany this is an explosive mixture...but this time the world must act sooner...

How much the people crave again for simplicity, for doubtlessness, for the comforting motherly womb of the one and only truth and their unmistakable answers...again how big is the fail of our educational system, how much do we all want to be imprisoned again into the simplicity as simplification of the world with their scapegoats, their fast solutions, free from everything in need for a process of  understanding, free fom every try to understand, free from every confession of admitting its own ignorance...oh how miserable we are again and how much we like it...oh this yearning for the beloved anti-intellectualism with its praise and promise for self-sufficiency we long be able to be the wise man even without any wisdom...cursed and banished within the to be burned ivory tower lies the origin of all wisdom: to know that you know nothing. But instead of searching for wisdom the opinion is raised to a weapon to cut the world into accepted truths...oh how miserable....

will be continued soon...

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